Chris Schmitt Photography

Nov 9, 20061 min

Wedding Season is over!

Well we just finished our last wedding of the year last weekend. Whew! It’s been a busy year! We had 61 weddings this year, and we owe this to the amazing referrals from our newleyweds. We thank you so much for spreading the word!

Now we have a couple months to catch up on the albums. If you have your favorites folder created for your album, and have never emailed me to let me know it’s ready, please do so now so that we can start designing it for you.

There is also a big sale for clone albums for your parents so just ask and we’ll hook you up!

It’s also time to get ready for Baby.

He/She will be here before we know it! To help celebrate, we are having a little co-ed party/baby shower at the Wood Ranch Restaurant at the Grove in LA.
December 3rd from 1-4PM. We welcome any of you to stop by and say Hi!

